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P'kolino Mess Eaters Hanging Organizer - Green

Take advantage of vertical space and set up easy storage with the P'kolino Mess Eaters Hanging Organizer.
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List $19.99
Sale-Price: $17.99
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Product Description:
The P'kolino Mess Eaters Hanging Organizer helps you control the chaos and clutter that comes with children's spaces and makes it easy to teach organizational skills and habits at an early age. The organizer is made from durable materials that stand up to active little ones, and the green monster design caters to children's love of everything bright, colorful and fun. Each of the five pockets is 9.5 inches wide and 5 inches deep, offering plenty of storage space for papers, craft supplies or other small items. The vertical design gives you maximum storage capacity without taking up valuable floor space, but at just 40 inches tall, it's still easily accessible for children ages 3 and up. The organizer also comes with over-the-door hooks so it can be installed in just minutes.
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