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Photography as Art Video (DVD)

Photography as Art Video  (DVD)
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Explore the art of photography from its humble beginnings to its successful era in the digital age by examining the craft through the works of several prominent photographers.
Item Code: FI-12063
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List $149.95
Sale-Price: $141.99
You Save: $7.96 (5%)

Product Description:
Photography is, in many ways, the most innovative pathway that the creative mind can travel, offering a plethora of ways to express one's view of life, self and their surrounding environment.

Discovering the photographic art of Tim Macmillon, Alison Jackson and several more creative figures in this very versatile and personally expressive profession is what the Photography as Art Video DVD focuses on, providing insight into various specialty cameras and lens, photographic tricks and tips as well as the digital medium in the form of graphic design, Photoshop and other Adobe photo manipulation programs.

Throughout this 29 minute DVD production the viewer can discover clips of several works created by Andreas Feininger and Elsie Hill among other professional photographers.
  • BBC Production
  • 29 Minutes
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