1.25 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Permanent Magenta #489

Every great artist owns a multitude of colors in their paint collection. This color does not deserve to be left out. Purchase today to add the right splash of magenta to your paintings. Hurry while supplies last, this is a popular color.
Item Code: WN1-25-489

List $14.30
Sale-Price: $8.58
You Save: $5.72 (40%)

Product Description:

The full spectrum of color is not complete with magenta. The high quality oil paints here are noticably a richer and substantive color. This has the potential to be utilized by the artist in many ways. There are variations of highlights and the mixing with complementary colors will achieve exctiing results. The most common way magenta is created is by combining red and blue. However, the perfect blend here is worth owning so that a consistent color can be maintained throughout the painting while offering a predictive reaction with other colors.

The key to creating great works of art is having fine tools and supplies, these paints meet those expectations and this color will definitely satisfy you.

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