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MARTIN YALE Perforator (slot&slit type)

Buy the Martin Yale Perforator today to create easy and accurate perforations for clean, professional tearing and folding.
Item Code: MY-WRA380024X
Avg. Rating

List $107.42
Sale-Price: $99.99
You Save: $7.43 (7%)
Select Options Below

 #MY-W-A380024 10 Tooth per-inch Perforator (slot type)
 #MY-W-A38024A 7 Tooth per-inch Perforator (slit type)
 #MY-WRA38024B 3 Tooth per-inch Perforator (slit type) - addl:(+$20)

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Product Description:

Martin Yale Perforators are durable and accurate and come in three different varieties. Each type fills different needs, so choose carefully according to the perforation types you need.


  • The ten-tooth per inch slot type has most teeth and creates the densest perforations, making it ideal for products that are meant to tear easily (such as coupons or rolls of tickets). In addition, the slot style of perforation allows air to escape, enabling easier folding.
  • The seven-tooth per inch slit type has fewer teeth, making it a good choice for products that fold along the perforation rather than tearing.
  • The three-tooth per inch slit type, with fewest teeth, is suitable for a different grade of paper and different types of folds than the seven-tooth type.

First analyze the products you're making and the types of perforation you'll need, then take advantage of Madison Art Shop's low prices by buying your perforator today!

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