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Silentaire Oil 24 oz

Silentaire Oil is made especially for Silentaire compressors.  Use of any other oil may damage Silentaire equipment.
Item Code: ST-15280
Avg. Rating

List $24.50
Sale-Price: $31.99
You Save: $-7.49 (-31%)

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Product Description:

Silentaire Oil 24 oz is the perfect oil for use with Silentaire compressors to maintain them properly and keep them in perfect running condition.  Using the proper lubricant is important to prevent corrosion, reduce wear, protect the internal mechanism from damage, reduce power usage, and provide the proper sealant. Proper lubrication helps air compressors run smoothly.

Silentaire Oil is clear and bright.  It is not considered hazardous in normal use by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standards. It has a long history of safe use by consumers.  It should be handled in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice with the containers kept tightly closed and stored in a cool, well-ventilated place.  Dispose of used containers properly.  This product contains Aniline, which is listed by the State of California in Proposition 65 as a hazardous waste.  Nevertheless, when handled and disposed of properly, this product is not expected to cause any detrimental environmental effects.

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