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Jack Richeson & Co. Inc. Signature Bristle Oil Brush, BRIGHT, Size 20

Jack Richeson & Co. Inc. Signature Bristle Oil Brush, BRIGHT, Size 20
Item Code: JR-962720
Avg. Rating

List $132.95
Sale-Price: $59.99
You Save: $72.96 (55%)

Product Description:
Richeson “Signature” brushes are among the finest quality in the world. The signature brushes are made from the highest quality bristle that is set in polished ferrules. The bristles are carefully fitted to be perfectly even. The black lacquered handles are easy to grip and work with. Truly a great addition to any experienced artist’s toolset, and a great choice for new artists as well. This Signature bright brush is Size 20. The bright brush has less hair out and is a flat brush. It carries a smaller quantity of paint and is easier to control. A great option for beginning artists.
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