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More about Paintstiks

Painstiks are remarkable for Painting or Stenciling!

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Diana Lyn Cote's painting technique comes from watching children play with crayons. The way they attack their drawings without inhibitions inspired her distinctive style. "Paintstiks are so similar to crayons, they let me scribble much like a child does - unrestricted, uninhibited."

At first glance, Diana Cote's work deals with flowers and still lives, landscapes and interiors. But as you study each painting, you will see the subject of her work is actually the wondrous variety of light. Morning light. Midday sun. The soft glow of dusk. Diana Cote captures every nuance.... and she does it on canvas with Paintstiks.

I tried Paintsticks nine years ago and have been using them almost exclusively since. They are convenient, durable and fast drying. And the colors are wonderful!".

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Fabric Decorating and Heat Setting

Before applying Artist's Paintstik® Oil Colors, wash fabric to remove sizing. Do not use fabric softener or detergent 'hat contains fabric softeners or bleach because these will reduce the paint adhesion. Some ready-made items such as napkins and tablecloths are treated to be stain-resistant — this makes them paint resistant too! Check the labels carefully and experiment first on a scrap of fabric whenever possible.

After applying the Oil stick, let the paint core for 3-4 days before you heat set and wash the fabric. The longer you wait before washing the fabric, the more permanent the color will be. Use the iron setting recommended for the fabric. Place waxed paper over the design and iron for a few seconds to set the paint. Launder the fabric as usual, then line-dry or use low dryer setting. Dry cleaning is not recommended for Paintstik Colors.

Stenciling with Paintstiks*

Prepare your stencil by spraying the side of the stencil that comes in contact with your painting surface with a repositionable adhesive. Allow adhesive to "set" a moment, then press the stencil evenly onto the surface to be stenciled. Since the adhesive is repositionable, you need not spray again for several hours.

Use the Artist's Paintstik Oil Color to draw around the edge of the cutout design of your stencil, not on the surface of the item to be stenciled. Hold your stenciling brush at a 90° angle and, using a circular motion, gently pull the color from the edge of the stencil onto the surface.

When stenciling with multiple colors, start with the lightest color first, then progressively use darker colors, finishing with the darkest color. Use a separate brush for each color. To assure that your colors won't mix where you don't want them to, block out those areas with masking tape.

Artist's Paintstik Oil Colors can be used to stencil almost any surface. When stenciling on walls and floors, make sure the painted surface has a matte finish. Allow the Paintstik Oil Color to dry for 3 days, then spray lightly with a coat of clear acrylic. Wait 36 hours, then coat the area with vinyl acrylic or polyurethane varnish.
When stenciling on wood, make sure the wood surface is sanded to a smooth finish and then prepare as desired by painting (using a flat-finish paint), staining, pickling, crackling or leaving the surface raw. If the wood is stained or painted a dark color, stencil it first in white, let it dry, then go back and stencil the design in color. Allow the Paintstik Oil Color to dry for three days, then spray with a clear acrylic spray to set it, and finish with a varnish of your choice.

Stamping with Paintstiks®

Stamp a bright, colorful pattern quickly and easily on fabrics, walls, canvas, home and holiday decorations with Artist's Paintstik Oil Colors. You may use commercial rubber stamps, or try stamping with coins, buttons, silk flowers, lace, leaves and other objects with a raised or textured surface.

Apply the Oil stick directly to the stamp object.

Artist note: As with any art and craft project, before attempting the entire project, you should always test Artist's Paintstik" Oil Colors on the surface on which you will be working. The Oil sticks require a clean, matte surface to adhere and dry properly.

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Walls and Floors

When painting on walls and floors, make sure the painted surface has a matte finish. Allow the Paintstik® Oil Color to dry for three days, then spray lightly with a coat of clear acrylic. Wait 36 hours, then coat the area with vinyl acrylic or polyurethane varnish.


Always make sure the surface that you are stenciling is clean and properly prepared for stenciling. Prepare your stencil by spraying the side of the stencil that comes in contact with your painting surface with a repositionable adhesive. Allow the adhesive to “set” a moment, then press the stencil evenly onto the surface to be stenciled.
Rub the Artist’s Paintstik® onto a palette to deposit the amount of paint desired. Then pick up the paint from your palette using a stencil brush. Hold your stencil brush at a 90° angle and, using a circular motion, apply the color onto the surface to be stenciled.

When stenciling with multiple colors, start with the lightest color first, then progressively use darker colors, finishing with the darkest color. Use a separate brush for each color.

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