Melissa & Doug Wally Dinosaur

Melissa & Doug Wally Dinosaur - Click to enlarge
It might be true that dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago, but you can be thankful that Melissa & Doug Wally Dinosaur survived to bring your child endless hours of love and devotion.  And once your child gets his hands on him, he won't be able to let go.
Item Code: MD-7162

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Product Description:

Everybody knows that prehistoric dinosaurs are huge creatures that were too big to get your arms around, except in the case of Melissa & Doug Wally Dinosaur, who is not only small enough, but cuddly enough to bring your youngster hours of love and hugs.  He's made of delightfully soft butter-fleece fabric that covers every square inch of his adorable soft and squishy body.  He's also got huge eyes that will attract the attention of everyone who sees him.  And despite being covered with earth toned camoflauge, he's easy to find.  He's even got teeth, but don't worry, he's friendly and has promised not to bite.

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