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Melissa & Doug Magnetic Responsibility Chart

This Melissa and Doug Magnetic Responsibility Chart is a great way to keep your child organized and focused on doign his or her chores.  It's durable and cute to display.
Item Code: MD-3789
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List $19.99
Sale-Price: $18.99
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Product Description:

Are you having trouble keeping your child focused on getting his or her chores done everyday?  This Melissa and Doug Magnetic Responsibility Chart is a good way to make sure they get everything done.  After hanging the sturdy chart on the wall, you and your child can work together to select the pre-made magnetic tiles that show the chores he or she needs to complete each day.  A blank tile is included for a special activity.

In addition to dozens of chore tiles, there are also several dozen check mark tiles for you or your child to place next to each chore as it is completed.  Each week,resetting the chart is as simple as picking up the check tiles and placing them on the included blank magnetic board.

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