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Melissa & Doug Bed

If a doll bed is something that's on your gift list, make the Melissa & Doug Bed your choice so you and your gift recipient won't be disappointed.

Item Code: MD-789
Avg. Rating

List $69.99
Sale-Price: $50.99
You Save: $19.00 (27%)
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Product Description:

Everybody needs a bed to sleep on, even a little girl's doll, so why not let it lay its weary body on the Melissa & Doug Bed? This charming wooden furniture piece has finely crafted bed posts, and to add to its beauty a heart-shaped piece of wood has been removed from the sides of the bed. It also has spindles between the posts. This piece of furniture is painted white and comes with all that is needed for a comfortable night's sleep. Both the cover and the cushion for the doll's head are made of colorful fabric, and the head cushion is trimmed in pretty lace. The Melissa & Doug Bed is almost 27 inches long, and it can easily be assembled.      

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