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da Vinci Maestro2 Flat-50235

da Vinci Maestro2 Flat-50235

Sleek and long, the Da Vinci Maestro 2 offers better manability with longer, softer bristles. With the Maestro 2, you can hold more paint for longer, more solid strokes. This brush can help you paint, stroke, dab and mix better than ever before. 

Item Code: dv-50235
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List $7.95
Sale-Price: $6.99
You Save: $0.96 (12%)
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The Da Vinci Maestro 2 brush is double boiled for for a softer, more manageable stroke. The bristles are also interlocked in the weave so they provide better control with improved flagging on the ends. With each pass, this brush provides a longer stroke, with more paint and extra control over the bristles. The hand-picked bristles make it easy to spread and mix colors in a more controlled fashion while the handle makes painting for a long period of time easy.

The Da Vinci Maestro 2 is a larger brush with nickle-plated, seamless brass ferrules for years of reliable service. It is available in sizes 1-30. It comes with a two-toned handle that adds beauty to functionality. 

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