LQ HV 4.65 oz. / Phthalo Green (Blue Shade)

Purchase Liquitex Heavy Body Phthalo to add depth to your acrylic collection.
Item Code: LQ1047-317

List $13.58
Sale-Price: $8.15
You Save: $5.43 (40%)

Product Description:

Phthalo Green provides painters working in acrylic with a vibrantly dark blue-green, ideal for use in background painting and highlights. The vivid, blue-green shade speaks of a deep, watery jungle or of being submerged in ocean depths. This color verges on darkness without quite stepping over that edge. It can be the creeping shadow beneath a streetlight or the haunting memory of sorrows not yet forgotten. High viscosity allows the acrylic paint to adhere, providing a solid base to be painted on and through. For detail and touch-up work use Phthalo Green to bring depth into a bright foreground to add a hint of mystery, a hint of danger.

Whatever your current project, select Phthalo Green if you are looking for a dark supplement or an understated background. For night-time or water landscapes, it may prove indispensable, and for some people, an endless source of inspiration.

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