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LQ HV 4.65 oz. / Burnt Umber

Do not let your creativity go to waste; purchase Burnt Umber today! 
Item Code: LQ1047-128
Avg. Rating

List $13.58
Sale-Price: $8.15
You Save: $5.43 (40%)

Product Description:

You have always stared at nature with the longing to capture it. And what better way to do so than in a painting that you created with your own hand holding your own paint brush, bought from Madison Art Shop, of course?

You see the world differently; you are an artist, so do not leave your supplies in the hands of companies whose main priority is not a love for art and a joy for artists to strive and grow. 

Burnt Umber is a lovely shade that will perfectly accentuate any painting or craft you have in mind. Coming in a nearly 5 ounce tube, Burnt Umber is a simple and smoky color that will send viewers packing for the wilderness. 

Let your imagination soar by purchasing Burnt Umber from Madison Art Shop, and be sure to check out all of our other great products and accessories that will help you on your journey to greatness. 

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