Liquitex hv acrylic (2 oz.) #620 VIVID RED ORANGE
Product Description:
Liquitex is highly-specialized water-based acrylic paint allowing a vibrant color display. Liquitex paint may be thinned and used in a variety of settings, including both outdoor and indoor. Acrylic paints have a lesser pigment load than thicker paints, and may be used on different canvases, including cement and fabrics. The highest quality acrylic paints are professional acrylics, with the highest levels of pigment. Student and scholastic Liquitex paints have less of a pigment load for younger students. Liquitex is made from a fast drying polymer resin mixed with proprietary pigmentation.
Vivid orange Liquitex has an effervescent culture that takes hold of the imagination, moreso than other acrylic paints in its class. Purchase this Liquitex paint and get your canvas bursting with an intense unparalleled color, and the vibrance is second to none.
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