#500 medium magenta Liquitex hv acrylic is a warm, bold, outstanding color. As a member of the red family, #500 medium magenta instills energy and positivity to any work of art. Liquitex hv acrylic #500 medium magenta has excellent coverage and superb mixing abilities. This next generation acrylic paint is beyond brilliant. #500 medium magenta is bright, intense, and permanent. This acrylic paint is durable when it is dry and remains bright and resilient. Liquitex hv acrylic #500 medium magenta dilutes well and can be used with acrylic mediums. This acrylic paint is high quality and economically priced. #500 medium magenta is a perfect mixture of red, white, and various shades of purple. This color is great to use when you want a burst of color and something out of the ordinary. #500 medium magenta is not oversaturated. This Liquitex hv acrylic color can add life to any painting with its unique, dazzling personality.