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Koto: The Music of Tadao Video (DVD)

Tadao started playing the koto at age 8. Acclaimed as Japan's finest pioneer koto players. This DVD stands out for introducing the western world to the koto plus the narration by Kazue, Tadao's widow and considered a master player in her own right. Any music lover or lover of Japan's history will find this an excellent addition to their library.
Item Code: FI-30229
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Product Description:
Tadao Sawai was a gifted musician famous for his pioneering ways, composer of numerous traditional and modern Japanese pieces plus adding Western music to his composing skills. Considered the most influential koto player of all generations. Tadao passed on his passion for playing the koto to his wife Kazue and his son Hikaru. Kazue performs some of her husband's most famous pieces including the 17 string koto. Kazue incorporates her philosophy for the koto as a solo instrument and use with other instruments. Music performed by Tadao, Tadao with Kazue, and Kazue with Hikaru take you to a magical place. Tadao and Kazue played with incorporation of western music but Hikaru has returned to more traditional use of koto.
  • ISBN: 978-0-7365-5213-4
  • Run Time: 48 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: ©2002
  • Closed Caption

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