Richeson Sable ROUND NO 6 brush
Product Description:
Richeson brushes are known to be one of the best friends of the artist seeking to produce the finest work possible. The unique characteristics of the sable filaments provide a medium to carry the richest of pigments to the paper or canvas and allows for both washes and hard-edged detail. The Richeson brushes come in a variety of styles, sizes and materials. This sable ROUND No 6 provides a workhorse brush, especially useful with acrylics and oils. Art historians point out that the Old Masters were created by artists using only rounds, as flats weren’t introduced until the nineteenth century. When you purchase a brush manufactured by Jack Richeson & Company, you can be assured of the finest material and craftsmanship being used to create a fine tool for the artist. The recognized firm started by making quality brushes by hand and continues to invest the same passion in today’s brushes.
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