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Richeson Sable ROUND NO 4 Brush

Perfect for all your round brush needs.
Item Code: JR622804
Avg. Rating

List $14.95
Sale-Price: $9.99
You Save: $4.96 (33%)

Product Description:

Round brushes are a great addition to any art kit and the Richeson Sable ROUND NO 4 Brush is no exception. This durable, high quality brush is perfect for artists of all skill levels and is great for any kit. This mid size brush is perfect for both detail and larger spot work and is great for those that want a brush that is going to last for years.

The natural sable fibers are perfect for smooth paint application and for delicate work that often comes with painting. This brush is perfect for those that want something that is going to last for years as well as it is made with the highest quality materials to insure that it lasts for years to come. This is a great versatile brush that is going to serve many purposes and be a great addition to any kit for years to come. Richeson is known for quality brushes and this brush is no different.

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