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Richeson Sable ROUND NO 2 Brush

The fine points on these sable brushes will help you paint the finest details in the perfect picture.
Item Code: JR622802
Avg. Rating

List $14.50
Sale-Price: $9.99
You Save: $4.51 (31%)

Product Description:

If you're an avid watercolor painter, a Richeson Sable ROUND NO 2 Brush is a must-have. These brushes are made with genuine sable fur — at a price you can afford. They naturally taper to a fine point, making them the ideal brush to handle all of the finest details in landscapes or portraits. Sable fur absorbs color very well and allows the controlled release of the color on the painting. Take your paintings to a whole new level with this luxurious art supply. These brushes hold paint well and apply it smoothly and evenly. The flexibility and strength of these brushes gives the artist incredible control and precision. If well maintained, this brush can last many years. If the kids do get ahold of it and try to use it with watercolor or let paint dry on it, its affordability makes it easy to replace. Add a Richeson Sable Round NO 2 to your art supplies today.

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