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Richeson Sable ROUND NO 1 Brush

Add tiny details to your paintings or ink washes using this all natural sable round number 1 brush from Richeson, a leading manufacturer in quality and durability.
Item Code: JR622801
Avg. Rating

List $11.50
Sale-Price: $8.99
You Save: $2.51 (22%)

Product Description:

Every painter needs a good round number 1 brush. Create beautiful, crisp lines, loaded with pigment, using this all natural sable brush from Richeson. With proper care, this durable soft-haired tool holds a fine point for many years without sacrificing performance. Despite its small size, the number 1 round brush can hold a lot of pigment, making it perfect for fine detail work like portraiture, small landscapes and ink washes. Useful for a variety of mediums, artists choose sable for a range of mediums including watercolor, oil and acrylic. Add this brush to your collection or make this brush your new favorite choice for painting exact lines and perfect finishing touches. Richeson is a leader in quality and durability, while providing products to artists at affordable prices.

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