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Richeson Sable ROUND NO 10 Brush

Richeson Sable's ROUND NO 10 Brush is a high quality brush for demanding artists who understand the value and necessity of good brushwork. 
Item Code: JR622810
Avg. Rating

List $51.95
Sale-Price: $19.99
You Save: $31.96 (62%)

Product Description:

This number 10 Richeson Sable ROUND NO 10 brush is part of the world renowned, Russian-made Kolinsky series of brushes. These brushes are made by expert artisans that evenly load and release color like no other brush on the market. As any painter who has used watercolors knows, the amount of color soaked up by a brush for water colors is vital for creating finely tuned lines and waves of color.

These brushes features  very precise spring to their bristles: thanks to the artisanal level of quality involved in their production, they will easily and lightly apply water and paint as you desire, never leaving too much nor applying too little. With these brushes, you will be in control of your art.  

Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

5 out of 5, Based on 3 Reviews.
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santa rosa CA
October 05, 2009

I bought a 2 6 4 and 10 of this series, Richeson never disappoints me for quality on any of its products. The brushes are very full, perfectly cupped, hold lots of water and have that spring only Kolinsky has. The ferrells are tight and the handle nicely balanced. I'm delighted to find some brushes made like they used to be when I got mine from Germany in the 80's. and BTW they are less than I paid for them at that time. The sale prices make them a fantastic bargain , shipped quickly and were well protected
Sandston, VA
April 11, 2006

Excellent quality brush... Will order more in the future. Thanks a lot, Hal
Grand Rapids, MN
April 11, 2006

I was overjoyed to find such quality Kolinsky brushes at such a bargain. And they arrived within days. Hurray!