KORE Toddlers Wobble Chair 10"

KORE Toddlers Wobble Chair 10"
If your toddler is full of life, try this chair that encourages harmless "wobbling" instead of suppressing it!

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Product Description:
For any mother or teacher who's ever tried to corral one or more enthusiastic children, the concept of trying to get a toddler to sit still may be little more than a dream. The solution lies not in forcing young children to sit quietly, but in giving them some freedom to use up their energy in a way that doesn't involve clogging the toilet or consuming dangerous substances. The wobble chair tests this option by providing a seat in which children can move while remaining relatively stationary. Features include:
  • Ergonomic design that allows for body movement and natural posture
  • Simple, colorful, and easy-to-use structure
  • Award-winning design
  • USA-made quality
  • Strength rated for up to 275 pounds
With its durable plastic construction and its bright colors, this chair by KORE Design will be a favorite with toddlers, providing a voluntary release of their fidgets and making your day that much easier.

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