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Kids Kore Wobble Chair 14"

If you want to keep your child seated long enough to finish a homework assignment, this chair can accomplish that and more.
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List $74.99
Sale-Price: $69.99
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Product Description:
Kids Kore Wobble Chair 14" A chair that wobbles is the chair your child will love to sit on because it is flexible. When seated in a wobble chair, your little one can move freely without getting up. This type of movement fosters alertness and encourages exercise. Homework gets done and the body becomes more flexible when this chair is used. It is especially beneficial to children who are hyperactive. Whether your child is sitting down to enjoy a snack or play a fun game, comfort is assured. This chair can be used at home or at school. It can be ordered in a number of different colors and assembled in a couple of minutes. The maximum amount of weight this chair supports is 275 pounds. This product is USA made, and it has received the Academics' Choice Award as well as the Family Choice Award.

Suitable for 1st & 2nd Graders.

(Oversize shipping: $27.50)

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