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Richeson Sable FAN Brush - Size 6

Richeson Sable FAN Brush - Size 6
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The Richeson Sable FAN Brush -Size 6 is a great fan brush for all those that love fan brushes and those that may not know much about them.
Item Code: JRM20475
Avg. Rating

List $29.95
Sale-Price: $15.99
You Save: $13.96 (47%)

Product Description:

Fan brushes are a very particular style brush that not everyone likes to use; the Richeson Sable FAN Brush – Size 6 is a great brush however that is likely to make any user a fan brush convert. This brush is high quality, easy to use, easy to maneuver, and perfect for a wide range of applications. Fan brushes are great for creating soft feathery strokes that are hard to achieve with larger, less delicate brushes.

            This fan brush is perfect for anyone that wants a great fan brush that is easy to use, easy to clean, and durable. For those that may have not used a fan brush before, this is a great brush to start with and to learn how to use a fan brush with. This brush is great for users of all skill level. If you have little experience with a fan brush, this is a good learner brush that is going to be easy to use and easy to manipulate.

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