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Richeson Sable 1/2 FLAT Brush

Richeson Sable brushes stand the test of time without shedding or warping.
Item Code: JR622950
Avg. Rating

List $40.95
Sale-Price: $19.99
You Save: $20.96 (51%)

Product Description:

Brushes are a very particular part of any artists kit and the Richeson Sable ½ Flat Brush is a great addition to any kit. Richeson has been known for years as a premier brush maker that only produces the finest natural fiber brushes that are perfect for just about any application. The Richeson Sable ½ Flat Brush utilizes sable fibers to insure a soft yet sturdy brush that is going to be able to stand up to just about any project you could imagine.

The ½ flat brush is best for larger surface painting like background and large block areas of color. This brush is perfect for those that want a substantial brush without it being bulky and hard to use. Sable is a very desirable natural fiber that makes for a very soft and strong brush that with proper care can last for a very long time without shedding or losing shape. The entire Richeson Sable brush line is a great line of brushes, but I have an extra special feeling to this ½ flat brush - one of my personal favorites!

Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

4.5 out of 5, Based on 2 Reviews.
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October 11, 2011

good quality, fair price, prompt shipping
Charlottesville, VA
February 15, 2010

great quality, fair price, prompt shipping

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