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J.S. Bach: A Documentary Portrait Video (DVD)

A look at J.S. Bach, his life and the compositions he gave to the world is presented in this 60-minute film.
Item Code: FI-992
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List $89.95
Sale-Price: $79.99
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Product Description:
In this look at the life and work of J.S. Bach, viewers get a 60-minute look at the artist himself and the way he created his famed and beloved works. The composer has left behind a number of important treasures that the film uses to tell the story of his life. The houses that the artist lived in and the organs that he used to play and compose are still in existence and are highlighted in this film. Even his school report cards are available for study as well as many of the letters he wrote. All of these things were a part of the life that produced the great works of Bach, and all are examined int he contest of the composer's life. A chronological representation of his compositions is presented in this film.
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