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Johnnie Liliedahl DVD - Oil Painting Mediums and Their Uses

Johnnie Liliedahl DVD - Oil Painting Mediums and Their Uses
Oil painters, whether experienced or new, can learn how to use mediums as done by the experts in this educational DVD by art instructor Johnnie Liliedahl.
Item Code: WA-2775DVD
Avg. Rating

List $25.00
Sale-Price: $3.99
You Save: $21.01 (84%)

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Product Description:
Painting with oils is a hobby enjoyed by people throughout the world. These artists know well the attention to detail needed to create their impressions. Using the right mediums is of paramount importance. In this DVD, art expert Johnnie Liliedahl teaches viewers the mediums chosen by the masters of oil painting. The audience learns about over twenty different painting methods. These are the classic mediums of oil and restoration that have stood the test of time.

Almost more important than teaching what to use, the DVD instructs on what not to mix. Oil painting uses chemicals, some of which can react negatively together. Liliedahl also teaches ways to avoid harsh odors. Any painter who has suffered headaches from fumes knows this advice is needed.

This is the DVD that any oil painter serious about producing quality work, preserving the painting canvas and staying safe in the studio should own.

Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

4.5 out of 5, Based on 2 Reviews.
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Arlington, WA
June 18, 2014

I thought the DVD was well done on Weber mediums. I was hoping that she would cover other products in her presentation.
Omaha, AR
January 08, 2014

Took a little time in coming, but the DVD was so worth the wait!

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