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Iwata Airbrush INTRO SET

The Iwata Airbrush INTRO SET is perfect for the beginning airbrushing enthusiast, giving the user one of the most superior brands of artist equipment available.
Item Code: IW100
Avg. Rating

List $536.00
Sale-Price: $479.99
You Save: $56.01 (10%)

Product Description:
Comprising of motor pistons, those of which require no oil for lubrication, the Iwata Airbrush Beginner Set is pleasantly quiet. This feature allows for increased concentration from the beginning airbrush compressor user.

The Iwata Studio Series features the precise and powerful Sprint Jet Power, which is a zero-maintenance alternative to conventional airbrush compressors. This series offers the user a generous 1/8th hp motor, able to operate from 1 psi all the way to a powerful 35 psi. If the air pressure from your machine becomes a little too powerful, you can rest assured that you are still in full control with the inclusion of a bleed valve for quick pressure adjustments.

The airbrush set includes:
  • the Eclipse Airbrush (BS)
  • Air Experience DVD narrated by Richard Sturdevant
  • Artool template
  • 10 units of Medea airbrush paints
  • 8 oz. Medea unit cleaner
  • Item IW100

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