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Iwata Airbrush DELUXE SET

Iwata Airbrush DELUXE SET
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The Iwata Airbrush Set is an ideal kit for both beginners and experienced airbrush painters, with all the necessary equipment and supplies packaged in one container for easy startup and focus on creating.
Item Code: IW200
Avg. Rating

List $577.00
Sale-Price: $499.99
You Save: $77.01 (13%)

Product Description:
For those who want to have a complete air brush paint kit without having to compliment the system with additional accessories, the Iwata Airbrush Deluxe Set is the way to go. This Kit comes with all the core airbrush tools, air compressor, templates, training videos, 10 pre-filled colors and cleaners, and a solid container to keep all the equipment and supplies together. There's no need to go piece-mealing a kit together, guessing which colors and air brushes to work with. Instead, the Iwata Set allows a painter to get started immediately with creating art. Designed to be versatile for the experienced artist and comprehensive for the beginner painter, the Iwata Set is a surefire investment for most artists who aren't quite sure about how to get started off right in airbrush painting. This Set comes with delivery right to a customer's door {Oversize Shipping: $13.25}, avoiding delays with pickup or premium charges from local art supply dealers.
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