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Holbein Oil Paint Sets (20ML TUBES)

Holbein Oil Paint Sets (20ML TUBES)
Item Code: H-9
Avg. Rating

List $106.50
Sale-Price: $99.99
You Save: $6.51 (6%)
Select Options Below

 #H-905 Artist Oil Set of 12 colors (200DH -20ml)
 #H-903 Artist Oil Set of 20 colors (300DH -20ml)(+$69.99)
 #H-901 Artist Oil Set of 32 colors (32E -20ml)(+$219.99)
 #H-917 Artist Oil Set of 50 colors (10ml)(+$229.99)

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Product Description:
Holbein Oil Paint Sets (20ML TUBES)
The formulation and grinding/blending techniques for each color are modified to compensate for the inherent differences in the working characteristics of pigments. The result is an even consistency across the entire palette of 175 colors (7 antique colors, 11 transparent colors, 4 foundation colors, and 7 Whites.) Utilizing the purest of available pigments and manufactured to the highest standard of quality control in the industry, Holbein Artists' Oil Color ranks as the world's finest.

Ground from 3 to 5 times as necessary to achieve a universally consistent viscosity, the manufacturing process in each of the preparation, mixing, grinding, adjustment and filling stages is monitored by reference to optimum quality standards. Throughout the production process, Holbein insures its quality standards by test inspection of pigment purity, color tone, applicability and adhesion, physical stability, light stability, thermo-stability and anti-bacterial stability. The result is a world-class professional oil color without equal.

1st Option:
Artist Oil Set of 12 colors 20-ml includes the following colors: Ivory Black, Crimson Lake, Vermilion Hue, Permanent Yellow Light, Yellow Ochre, Viridian Hue, Permanent Green Pale, Cobalt Blue Hue, Ultramarine Deep, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, and a 50 ml tube of Permanent White SF.

Please note: the 4th option is 50 tubes of 10-ml tubes.

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