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Holbein Designer Gouache Full Set Of 84 (15ml)

Holbein Designer Gouache Full Set Of 84 (15ml)
Item Code: HO-G731
Avg. Rating

List $935.00
Sale-Price: $799.99
You Save: $135.01 (14%)

Product Description:
Holbein Designer Gouache Full Set Of 84. #5 - 15ml tubes. (Opaque watercolor.)

Holbein's Opaque watercolor (Gouache)…A total of 84 colors

What is Gouache?

Although Gouache (Opaque watercolor) is made from pigment and medium of gum arabic, it is possible to express a coloring surface that hides under-coated paint because Gouache contains a larger amount of pigment than transparent watercolor.


1. Vivid coloring.

The beauty of the pigment carefully selected can be expressed on a picture as it is.

2. Excellent light resistance.

Excellent pigment with little fading property is used in a large quantity.

3. High hiding power.

The color painted below can be covered, since its coloring is clear and its hiding power is high.

4. It is possible to use it as ink for woodcut.
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