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RICHESON 62" Heavy-Duty Stretcher Bar #890054

Item Code: JR890054
Avg. Rating

List $25.35
Sale-Price: $19.89
You Save: $5.46 (22%)

Product Description:
A 62” BEST stretcher bar that is perfect for artists of all backgrounds. Finger splicing method creates high quality straight stretcher bars that do not break down over time. No concerns about splinters as these stretcher bars are free from them, and they are designed to create nice straight 45 degree angles. The kiln dried pine will last for several years with maintenance. Perfect for every type of artwork from amateur to professional works. Museum quality stretcher bars without a high price. Easy to put together for artists of all skill levels. Won’t create ghost lines with 1/2 inch of clearance between canvas and stretcher bar.
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