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Liquitex SUPER HEAVY GESSO 237ml Jar

Liquitex SUPER HEAVY GESSO 237ml Jar
This is an excellent thick-bodied acrylic gesso for preparing canvases in need of a heavily textured primer.
Item Code: CA-7808
Avg. Rating

List $13.49
Sale-Price: $7.99
You Save: $5.50 (41%)

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Product Description:
Super heavy gesso is suitable for impasto techniques, adding sculptural effects to paintings, or for the creation of heavily textured canvases. This gesso is also suitable for mural use and may be applied with either a brush or a knife. For application to canvas prior to painting, Liquitex super heavy gesso is acrylic based for use as an acrylic and oil paint ground to provide heavy texturing. One coat provides excellent coverage and may be tinted with Liquitex soft or heavy body artist colors to provide a colored base for painting Strong "tooth" allows the product to adhere to wood, paper, and a variety of non-oily, clean and porous substrates.The gesso is non-yellowing and non-cracking when dry, ensuring longevity and high quality for professional or recreational art projects; acrylic composition creates a flexible surface and long-lasting, top quality results.
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