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For quality hardware and broad application, buy the SPARMAX HB040 AIRBRUSH .4MM here.
Item Code: AR-HB040
Avg. Rating

List $99.95
Sale-Price: $59.99
You Save: $39.96 (40%)

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Product Description:
The SPARMAX HB040 AIRBRUSH .4MM is a professional quality airbrush device with double-action technology for people who make models or do graphic design or retouching. The SPARMAX HB040 AIRBRUSH .4MM comes with a .4 mm nozzle which makes it ideal for finely detailed work such as fine lines or technical illustrations or work on ceramic surfaces or other mattes. The SPARMAX HB040 AIRBRUSH .4MM is also good for applying fine layers of hue, glaze and water color. Often used by hobbyist in many industries, the SPARMAX HB040 AIRBRUSH .4MM is a dependable, economic choice for enthusiasts everywhere. The fitting of a somewhat larger nozzle size, the SPARMAX HB040 AIRBRUSH .4MM is able to handle lower viscosity fluids which makes it good for larger applications. For quality hardware and broad application, the SPARMAX HB040 AIRBRUSH .4MM is the choice of professionals and hobbyists all over the world.
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