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1.25 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Gold Ochre #285

This specific color is so popular and versatile that even the first cave paintings used it.
Item Code: WN1-25-285
Avg. Rating

List $10.45
Sale-Price: $6.27
You Save: $4.18 (40%)

Product Description:

Gold Ochre is a pale yellow color that occurs in nature in a variety of ways. Perhaps this natural proliferation was the reason that many of the first cave drawings used this specific color. Horses, landscapes, and even skin could be represented through this versatile tone.

Ancient Egypt, a frequent user of the gold ochre color, believed that the gold color stood for an eternal and indestructible nature. Many ancient Egyptians believed that the bones of the gods were even made of gold. Using this gold color sparks the primal desire with all of us humans for opulence and building a legacy that will continue to last.

Paintings from caves, ancient Egyptians, ancient Romans, and ancient Greeks still continue to exemplify this excellent shade of pale yellow in a variety of eye catching forms.

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