Looking for a toy box that not only looks great but which also creates a great look for your child's bedroom? The GUIDECRAFT Brooklyn Toy Box – Espresso might just be the choice for you. Available in a variety of different colors, including gray and navy blue, it can easily fit in just about any type of bedroom. The simple rectangular shape allows you to store it in various spots of their room, including at the end of their bed, in a close, or even tucked away into a corner.
And if your kids use the "dump and play" method of getting out their toys, you won't have to worry about them damaging this box. That's because it's made with a tough laminate wood that has been finished to provide high-quality protection. The UV ray protection is perfect for keeping it from warping in the sun or otherwise suffering from serious damage. Designed to be used with children of all ages, it has a sturdy safety-lid that won't slam on their fingers.