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Safco® Sand 6" Closed Base

Safco® Sand 6" Closed Base

Made to hold heavy-gauge steel flat file drawers , this durable and attractive base keeps your files steady and provides you with a more attractive filing area. 

Item Code: SAFCO-4995S
Avg. Rating

List $275.00
Sale-Price: $189.99
You Save: $85.01 (31%)

Product Description:

Safco Alvin File,Base,6",Sand This thick, steel base perfectly matches the sand paint color found on the coordinating horizontal filing cabinets. Your drawings can be stored in filing drawers that are held firm by the sturdy base. The base lifts the cabinet off the ground to make it easier to access your drawings without stopping or kneeling. The paint is applied to last for years to come with its archival quality. The sand color goes perfectly with a neutral office or classroom and makes the base blend with other sand storage pieces. Each of the two sturdy legs is help in place with a bottom crossbar that keeps the unit steady and ready to take on the weight of tough steel filing cabinets.

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