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The Eroica Video (DVD)

The Eroica Video (DVD) is a perfect film for anyone who is curious to learn more about Beethoven's third symphonic masterpiece: The Eroica Symphony. Great fit for music classrooms or for classical music admirers alike.
Item Code: FI-1229
Avg. Rating

List $79.95
Sale-Price: $69.99
You Save: $9.96 (12%)

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Product Description:
The Eroica Video (DVD) is a superb video for gaining knowledge on Beethoven's Eroica Symphony. This fascinating video gives the viewer the perspective of Daniel Barenboim -the acclaimed conductor and pianist- on his opinion of how the classic German composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven used theme, modulation, resolution, harmony, melody ambiguity, chromatic, and dynamic progression, and a range of variety through repetition when crafting his Eroica Symphony. This breakdown of Beethoven's piece makes it more apparent what a musical master Beethoven was and gives the audience a valuable peek into Beethoven's creativity and talent. The last part of the video is of Conductor Barenboim conducting the New Philharmonia Orchestra in the first movement of the Eroica Symphony. This is done beautifully and showcases the music in a memorable way. (28 minutes)
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