Echoes of Victorian England Video (DVD)

This DVD uses the music of the Victorian era in England to reveal the historical context of the Victorian time period.
Item Code: FI-2963

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Product Description:
This DVD uses the echoes, well actually the music would be the more accurate terminology, of the Victorian era in England to reveal the historical context of the Victorian time period. The music of the time gives context to the political attitudes and the matters of the heart of the English people during the Victorian time period. The DVD has performers attired in authentic Victorian dress and performing on accurate Victorian sets to truly immerse the viewer into what the time period would have sounded and looked like. Noteworthy performers in the video include: Stephen Varcoe, Fiona Kimm, Iain Burnside, and the Newcastle Piano Trio.

The DVD is perfect for anyone who has an interest in Victorian era England, those that like music history, or anyone who wants to learn more about the Victorian era in a unique music-centered way.

(39 minutes)
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