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Alvin® Black Executive Drafting Height Monarch Chair

Alvin® Black Executive Drafting Height Monarch Chair

Remain productive the entire workday by creating a comfortable workspace with the Alvin Drafting Chair Monarch. Combining soft, cushioned seats and backrest with adjustable pneumatic height control and a steel foot rest, this office chair has all the amenities needed to offer unique, customized comfort to artists, painters, and students.

Item Code: AL-DC555-40
Avg. Rating

List $276.00
Sale-Price: $179.99
You Save: $96.01 (35%)
This item is currently out of stock!


Product Description:

The Alvin Drafting Chair Monarch Black is designed to provide those who have to sit long hours at a table or desk with the ultimate comfort they need to remain productive. This sturdy and durable office chair is designed with a 24" diameter nylon base that prevents wobbling or instability while in use. The entire height of the chair can easily be adjusted to anywhere between 24" and 34" with the use of the pneumatic height control. Ultimate lumbar and back support is provided with a soft backrest and fine upholstered seat. The backrest, which measures 16" x 19" x 3", can be manually adjusted or tilted to provide unique, customized support. Move the chair easily around the office with dual wheel casters. An oversized shipping cost of $38.45 will be applied to the order.

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