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Daniel Greene Brush Master Set - 27 brushes

The perfect set of fine-detail brushes for the experienced artist.
Item Code: SB-DG7336
Avg. Rating

List $569.95
Sale-Price: $289.99
You Save: $279.96 (49%)

Product Description:
Portrait artists interested in fine-detail paintbrushes find it all with this selection from Silver Brush. Meeting the specifications of award-winning artist Daniel E. Greene, these brushes will complete your collection. The grouping includes:

Grand Prix Brushes (series 1003)
The Filbert style brush combines the best features of both the round and flat style, in one dynamic, multi-purpose shape.
  • 1 Grand Prix Filbert size 0
  • 1 Grand Prix Filbert size 1
  • 3 Grand Prix Filbert size 2
  • 3 Grand Prix Filbert size 4
  • 3 Grand Prix Filbert size 6
  • 1 Grand Prix Filbert size 8
  • 1 Grand Prix Filbert size 10
  • 1 Grand Prix Filbert size 12
Silverstone Brushes
  • 1 Silverstone Filbert size 14 (series 1003)
  • 1 Silverstone Fan Blender size 10 (series 1104)
Renaissance Brushes (series 7110)
  • 1 Renaissance Cats Tongue size 1
  • 4 Renaissance Cats Tongue size 4
  • 4 Renaissance Cats Tongue size 6
  • 1 Renaissance Cats Tongue size 8
  • 1 Renaissance Cats Tongue size 10
The unique styling and craftsmanship ensure that brush edges will hold their shape without splitting, allowing for a high level of control and flexibility.
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