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MacKinnon CUFFLINKS - MacKinnon Pen Accessories

Item Code: MP-C1
Avg. Rating

Sale-Price: $750.00
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Choose a Color
 Red - a rich ruby colour
 Yellow - a deep golden shade
 Light Blue - very pretty
 White - translucent and has colours in it like mother of pearl

Product Description:
Cufflinks - MacKinnon Pen's Accessories

by David MacKinnon of England

Imagine your next business meeting when the corporate clones pull out their corporate pens. In a second, you show that you are different, a cut above the rest, with your MacKinnon pen. Even when the pens are put away and you adjust your shirt cuffs, you show them exactly where they belong.

When you finally own a MacKinnon Pen, nothing can be added to make it better than it already is - except maybe cufflinks to match your beautiful pen. Have a look and dream.....

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