W&N Artists Water Color14ml COBALT BLUE #178

Beautiful transparent primary color used by Maxfield Parrish!
Item Code: cobalt-blue--178

List $24.95
Sale-Price: $17.47
You Save: $7.48 (30%)

Product Description:

Cobalt Blue is an ancient, intense, royal-blue pigment, but the name "Cobalt Blue" did not appear until  1777. Maxfield Parrish often used it  in his paintings, so it's also sometimes called "Parrish Blue."  Winsor and Newton, a premier manufacturer of watercolors, offers a beautiful Cobalt Blue as a worthy addition to your palette.  Of all the various manufacturers' pigments, W&N Cobalt Blue is the most transparent and least staining.  It can provide a nice contrast to ultramarine blue when used together.  Cobalt is one of the most expensive pigments and Cobalt Blue can be approximated by a mixure of ultramarine and pthalo blue (which is highly staining), but cobalt blue is unique in the way it can be handled and mixed. This pigment settles out onto the paper and creates a beautiful texture of its own.  Cobalt Blue's strength iis that it is versatile in mixtures and has a texture that enhances the finish of any fine paper. 

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