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Grafix® Clear-Lay™ 40" x 50' x .003" Vinyl Film

Grafix® Clear-Lay™ 40" x 50' x .003" Vinyl Film
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Provides a professional clear film to use as overlays on art projects. There are a large range of capabilities that the film provides as a material, as it allows artists to take full control over what images and objects they place above their existent art. It is a must for artists who are looking for a reliable overlay that won't destroy what it rests on top of.

Item Code: AL-6605-4
Avg. Rating

List $69.25
Sale-Price: $49.99
You Save: $19.26 (28%)
This item is currently out of stock!


Product Description:

The Alvin Clearlay Film .003 X 40"X 50Ft is made out of a professional material that is acid free and will not discolor or damage any underlaying images or art underneath it. Artists can depend on the film as it is built of a professional grade and is sure to last over a period of time. Easily affordable and can be used in a multitude of projects that provide a variety of artistic opportunities for artists to employ in their work.

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