1.25 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Cerelean Blue #137

A heaven sent color often used to resemble the sky in paintings.
Item Code: WN1-25-137

List $35.25
Sale-Price: $21.15
You Save: $14.10 (40%)

Product Description:

Blue has always been associated with a calming and cool tone. Cerulean blue plays to this reputation and enhances it by adding in a special purity of blue that not only calms but commands respect. Artists have long since sought cerulean blue for it's lack of greenish hints, making it a far superior sky-ward color.

This shade of blue is also excellent at being used in calming beach and tropical scenes. Not only does this color exhibit fantastic sky tones, but can also be used for nearly body of water that needs to be represented. Waterfalls, oceans, lakes, and streams are but a few of the calming scenery options that often use this cool shade of blue. This color can also cause an elegant pop of color when presented against a near white or near black background.

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