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BEST Caitlin Taboret with 2 Attached Table Top Easels

The Caitlin Taboret is perfect for the versatile artist. Suitable for pastels, watermedia or oils, the hard oak taboret features two easels that can be adjusted by height or angle for ultimate comfort and to accomodate expansive works. With side panels extended, the taboret measures 64 inches wide, and the easels can be fully extended to a maximum height of 68-1/2". With this taboret's ample, organized storage space, you will have everything you need right at your fingertips. it even comes with a stainless steel washer one side and a large canister for water on the other!
Item Code: JR-880060
Avg. Rating

List $1,675.00
Sale-Price: $899.99
You Save: $775.01 (46%)

Product Description:
The BEST Caitlin Taboret is a gorgeous oak artist's cabinet containing two easels that can be adjusted to any angle. It features ample storage and work space, including drawers, folding shelves, a large stainless steel brush washer and canister. It moves and secures easily with locking casters. At the end of the day, easels can be detached and shelves folded in to turn the piece into what appears to be a simple cabinet.


  • Holds canvases up to 33" tall

  • Full easel height: 68-1/2"

  • Taboret height: 30"

  • Base width / depth: 32" x 21-1/2"

  • Unit width with wings extended: 64"

  • Pull-out work surface width / depth: 26" x 18"

  • Drawer inside width / depth / height: 26-3/4" x 17-1/2" x 3-1/2"

  • Cabinet inside width / depth / height: 30-1/4" x 19-3/4" x 16"

(Oversize Shipping: $278.00)
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