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1.25 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Cadmium Yellow #108

This artist's oil paint (cadmium yellow #108) is made of the highest quality pigments and oils to maximize the lasting power of the shade, specifically created for the discerning artist. 
Item Code: WN1-25-108
Avg. Rating

List $29.05
Sale-Price: $15.49
You Save: $13.56 (47%)

Product Description:

This high quality artist's oil paint is a dark cadmium yellow. This primary color is deep and multifaceted while being bright at the same time. The use of the highest quality pigments leads to the most consistent, easily blended and tinted oil paints in the industry. This specific hue, cadmium yellow, is used often on canvases to create rays of sunlight, beautiful petals of the sunflower, or the bright yellow of the iconic NYC taxi cab. The key to the versatility and quality of this oil paint is the use of cadmium in the mixture, giving a more vibrant, longer lasting, more permanent color with less fading.  A discerning artist will choose this paint for its brilliance, tinting capabilities when blended with white, and its versatility in scope and depth of possible uses within a composition. 

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