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1.25 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Cadmium Lemon #086

This exceptionally brilliant Cadmium Yellow can add interest and brightness to your oil painting!
Item Code: WN1-25-086
Avg. Rating

List $35.25
Sale-Price: $21.15
You Save: $14.10 (40%)

Product Description:

If you're a serious artist, you probably know a lot about how paint is made, so you may know that this paint is based on a chemical element called Cadmium, which is why it has the word "cadmium" in the description. But did you know that some cadmium-based pigments are so bright that the color needs to be "watered down" a bit during the manufacturing process? That's some serious shine power!

In addition to intensity of color, this oil paint has a lot of quality going for it as well. The brand, W&N, has very strict standards for their:

  • Manufacturing process
  • Pigment quality
  • Oil quality
  • Oil and pigment mixing

These standards have helped the company gain a good standing in the art community, since artists know it can be trusted to stand by its reputation. Because of this, you can buy their oil paints with confidence and watch your painting shine!

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