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RICHESON Casein Basic Set of 6

Item Code: JR120533---120543
Avg. Rating

List $58.75
Sale-Price: $39.99
You Save: $18.76 (32%)

Product Description:
RICHESON Casein Basic Set of 6 paint is a milk product paint that is a very versatile medium. They are water soluble paints that can be thinned with water, and with time and exposure they become insoluble. They are fast drying paints and can be buffed with a cloth to a sheen. Can be used on most surfaces, and this is a basic starter set produced by Richeson with the following six colors: ivory black, titanium white, ultramarine blue, Shiva green, cadmium yellow light, and rose red. Comes with a 12 page casein brochure with more details, a $1.00 dollar value that is included free with this set.

Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

5 out of 5, Based on 1 Reviews.
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Seaside, OR
July 17, 2014

Fine product... I will enjoy using these... thanks.