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1.25 oz. W&N Artists' Oil Colors Burnt Umber #076

W&N Artists' Burnt Umber is a lovely, rich, brown oil paint with red undertones.
Item Code: WN1-25-076
Avg. Rating

List $10.45
Sale-Price: $6.27
You Save: $4.18 (40%)

Product Description:

Winsor and Newton is an old and trusted name in the art industry. Their oil paints are always of the highest quality, and their burnt umber is no exception. Brown colors may not seem as exotic as some of the other colors, but they are absolutely necessary as the base or even as the highlight of any artists' palette. Umber (named for the region of Umbria in Italy), is dark red-brown pigment that's been in use since the Neolithic era. Today natural umber is generally made from iron oxide and manganese oxide, which is then heated to create the more intense burnt umber.  There are varieties of synthetic umber, but it is one of the few pigments where the natural variety is more common. While the exact hue of burnt umber varies by manufacturer, burnt umber is generally an intense earthy color.

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